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Thursday, October 25, 2018


Hello Readers, I'm back! Sorry for the interlude but I have been very VERY busy lately. Why? I'm back in School, I'm trying to focus on helping my friends and family, and to be honest I have been kind of lazy getting on here. But anywho, I have some new updates for you all as well as good news!

2 weeks ago, I reached my weight loss goal of losing 115 pounds! It took 3 years but I finally did it. I was so proud I didn't know what to do, I even cried and felt this huge relief flow away from my body. I lost a person, I literally lost a person. Here's some before and after photos.

This was back in July of 2015, I remember I was 245 pounds.

This was me last week...AT 145 POUNDS! WOOHOO! I'll post the ig post for more info.

I bet you all have noticed I changed the layout of the Diary again. Well, I just wanted to bring in something new and refreshing. 

And School? Well, let's just say Purdue is cutting me some slack and I'm finally getting the hang of the classes, unlike last year. But the disadvantage is that I'm not around my friends as I used to be, well they're busy with college too and they have new lives now that we graduated -- even the ones that graduated this year. Regardless, I still love them with all my heart and hope they achieve their goals in life. This is all I have to say but anyways I'll post you all later. But before I go, here's a picture of some cute cupcakes. Bye!

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