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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Gone Shoppin' Part 3: Hot Tuesday!

I don't normally go shopping on Tuesday, but if I do it's only for "emergency" purposes only. I though from how fatigue I was last night, I though I couldn't even open my front door. Man, wasn't my theory wrong. Whatever, let's just get how I spent my Tuesday shopping.

It was yet another beautiful morning in my neighborhood...a beautiful day in my neighborhood...won't you be my? Won't you be my..Neighbor? It was also a beautiful afternoon, which is why I decided that I would do it today so I would get a chance to rest tomorrow. What a good idea that was. Out the house I go to...PAYLESS! What did I go there for? You guessed it! Shoes. I HAD THE CHANCE TO GET THOSE GYM SHOES FROM FRIDAY, WOOHOO! Not bad for a pair for $30 right? Can I use my $10 off coupon please? Yes? THANK YOOOU! Left, then walked over to the boutique again. It was very empty and quiet there, but I though I would only do window shopping. Then that's when the temptation started kicking in like Jackie Chan in almost every scene in Rush Hour. KAWATAH! I found a tank top with my name on it that would go perfectly with the Gym Shoes. Why the sports gear? We're going on a Senior Trip next week and the location has to do with fitness and hiking. Better practice my Bear pose and look up coupons for bug spray. After I purchased it, I bounced back on the sidewalk to...MARIANO'S!

Mariano's is like one of the best grocery stores in Chicago, besides Jewel. They have pretty much everything you want and need, they even let you microwave food you purchased in their store. Want some Gelato and share it with a lover? Mariano's! Want a Pizza under $15? Mariano's! Want a Smoothie, Salad, and Taco Tuesday? Mariano's! Want a- MARIANO'S! You get the point. BBQ chicken sample? Don't mind if I do! I didn't really need much since I had lunch, but I needed SOME QUENCHERS. Hey, if you don't have a Car and walked to 3 places while it's in the 80's in Chicago, wouldn't you purchase a Dr. Pepper for $1.75 too? I would. Chilled there for a half hour, then walked back home.

So that's how my Tuesday went, and I hope you all had a wonderful hot Tuesday as well! Have a great and wonderful day!

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