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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Gone Shoppin' Part 2: Checkout Ross!

I though the only place I would check out today would be Jewels and the Boutique I go to. I was wrong, but I digress. It turns out that the only way I would only go to one place is if I was with my Ma or just because. And because my hypothesis for today was incorrect, I ended up walking for an hour and a half today, making my feet bark and my "inside self" chant "ALMIGHTY LORD, PLEASE HELP MY YOUNG SOUL." Blah blah blah, let me get to the point.
Sometimes, my Mom would drop me off whenever she's about to go somewhere or if it's in the same direction. That's why I was able to get to Jewels quickly and why I didn't walk longer than a hour and a half today. Same old, same old, nothing special was happening than it was yesterday. Same goes with the Boutique I went to as well. But what I can add is that I went to Mcdonald's for lunch, a la Mcdouble with the Freebie Shake that Jewels gave me can turn this meal into a $2.20 meal.~And it can also give a view of a cute dude that I saw there as well. Eh, he wasn't really attracting me that much annnnyway......and I have my eyes set on someone special in my heart.❤ Left, then went to a Beauty Supply Store to scope out the goods, and then bounce back onto the sidewalk again.
Lord have mercy, what in Sam Hill was I thinking when I decided to go to the Ross that opened by my house? A. Was I thinking it would be a finger snap? B. Was I thinking I could walk so fast, that I was Sonic? Or C. Was I just bored and decided to just go there just because?
And the answer is...
D. All of the Above! I never really walked to the other side of my block until a month ago with my Dog when I was testing out a route to go to another place, but this is the first time I've really done it despite the fact that I've seen it for so long. It was okay....for 5 minutes since the laziness and the tiredness started to kick inside. I wonder how those Soccer Kids felt though, THEY HAD THEM IN THE FIELD FOR PRETTY MUCH THE WHOLE DARN DAY! Poor Kids. That's besides the point though. Anyways, when I finally got to Ross, I though it would either be between a copycat of Old Navy or just a place where you can use their parking lot to...never mind. I was wrong, it looks so pretty inside there! The Shoes, the Clothes, oh my god the Clothes...I found two outfits that looked so pretty that I had to put it back because I was saving my money for something else. The Shades are like $10 though, but it's still not as bad as the one at Macy's, trust me. The line wasn't even that bad either, I'll admit. Left, then bounce back onto the sidewalk..AGAIN. You could say that I was either walking like a Grandma or trying to audition for a Thriller remake, there IS no in-between people, I was THAT tired. Got home, took my Wedges off, and then started to do my thing.
I know you all are thinking "Juju if you have a Ventra Card, why make yourself suffer like that?" Well, I have two answers for ya: 1. My Mom wanted me to use it when she's Home, just in case she has to pick me up or something. And 2. Because I didn't want to. Why? Just because! Anyways, thank you for reading this blog and I'll have more to post soon! Have a great day!

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